Your support gives victims a voice!

Your support is what allows victims/survivors free access to the EAA and to be able to document their abuse in a meaningful way. So many times victims are afraid to speak due to shame or fear, thanks to your support they have a way to talk about what happened to them. We are so grateful to our donors who have given us the ability to help literally hundreds of victims to access this potentially life saving resource. Our gratitude is unending, because of you we are able to provide a voice to the voiceless, those who have lost their power and control and seek a way to get it back.

Our Community Partner:
The Community Foundation of the Fox River Valley is a non-profit, tax-exempt, philanthropic organization that administers individual charitable funds from which grants and scholarships are distributed to benefit the citizens of the Greater Aurora Area, the TriCities and Kendall County, Illinois. We are located in the Aurora area, but our resources are available locally, nationally and internationally.

For more information on the Foundation, visit